Bacfree AIRA - Make Your Drink Come True


Make Your Drink Come True

Ambient Water
Sparkling Water
Cold Water
Hot Water

Where Drinking Becomes an


Bacfree AIRA - Where Drinking Becomes an Art
Bacfree AIRA Water Dispenser



Bacfree AIRA Water Dispenser
Bacfree AIRA Water Dispenser

The Ultimate Hot, Cold & Soda Water Dispenser

Bacfree AIRA - The Ultimate Hot, Cold & Soda Water Dispenser

Designed to cater to all your beverage needs with its exceptional features

Bacfree AIRA - Designed to cater to all your beverage needs with its exceptional features

Elevate your beverage experience by creating your own sparkling drinks with soda water maintained at a refreshing 5°C

Bacfree AIRA - Elevate your beverage experience by creating your own sparkling drinks with soda water maintained at a refreshing 5°C

Enjoy instant access at the

Touch of a button

Bacfree AIRA - Enjoy instant access at the touch of a button : UV Disinfection, Water Shortage Indicator, Filter Lifespan Indicator, CO2 Life Span Indicator, 4 Volume Settings, 4 Temperature Settings, Sparkling Water, Cold Water, Child Lock, Favourite Button
Bacfree AIRA Water Dispenser

Elevate your beverage experience by creating your own sparkling drinks with soda water maintained at a refreshing 5°C

Bacfree AIRA - Drink it Your Way. Elevate your beverage experience by creating your own sparkling drinks with soda water maintained at a refreshing 5°C

Ultra Filtration filters down to 0.01μm, with UV disinfection

Bacfree AIRA - Filtration System. Effectively removes large particles of impurities such as sediment, sand, rust, and absorbs chlorine, odor, organic matter, heavy metals, and other particles. UV disinfection removes 99.99% bacteria and virus in water. CF Cartridge effectively removes large particles of impurities such as sediment, sand, rust and absorbs chlorine, odor, organic matter, heavy metals, and other particles. UF Cartridge filters down to 0.01 micron, removing harmful substances, heavy metal ions, bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants.
Bacfree AIRA Specifications

Sparkling Water Gas Can Replacement

You can get a refill for your sparkling water gas can at any of our outlets.

Bacfree AIRA - Sparkling Water Gas Can Replacement. You can get a refill for your sparkling water gas can at any of our outlets.