
Bacfree Water Filter Replacements

Penapis Air Manakah Yang Anda Guna?


Tap Water Filters

Outdoor Water Filters

HealthSpring Alkaline Water Filters

Penggantian Elemen Penapis Air Paip Siri-BS

Watero water filter uses 4 layers of cartridge filtration system and 1 layer of UV Disinfection.

While the UV disinfection system requires no maintenance, the filter cartridges require only simple replacements at intervals of 9 months (for cartridges 1 & 2) and 18 months (for cartridges 3 & 4).


Compared to other water filters and dispensers in the industry, Watero is easy to clean and maintain.

All you need to do is:

  1. Purchase all 4 filter cartridges from our eShop or any Bacfree showroom near you
  2. Remove the filter cartridges from Watero water filter to be changed
    *Filter cartridges 1 & 2 need to be changed at 9 month intervals, filter cartridges 3 & 4 need to be changed at 18 month intervals
  3. Replace the filter cartridges with the new filter cartridges at their respective slots
  4. Flush the water filter system by filling up the water tank twice in Watero with the drainage tube at the back opened.
    *Flushing should also be done for newly received Watero product

To help you understand better, we prepared a step-by-step video for you to see how Watero maintenance and startup works!

Polypropylene (T1)

  • Filter Lifespan – 6 – 9 months or 1500 litres
  • Filter Type
    • Filters impurities larger than 5 microns. Removes sediment like sand, rust and other large particles.

Pre-activated Carbon (T2)

  • Filter Lifespan – 6 – 9 months or 1500 litres
  • Filter Type
    • Absorbs colours, odours, chlorine, organic mattersand others.

RO Membrane (T3)

  • Filter Lifespan – 12 – 18 months or 3000 litres
  • Filter Type
    • Filters impurities sized up to 0.0001 microns. Removes harmful substances, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses and others.

Post-activated Carbon (T4)

  • Filter Lifespan – 12 – 18 months or 3000 litres
  • Filter Type
    • Further absorbs and removes odours, improves taste.

BS-Series Tap Water Filter Element Replacements

Membersih dan menyelenggara penapis air siri-BS adalah mudah dan ringkas.

Untuk memastikan air bertapis kekal bersih dan sihat, cuci elemen penapis sekali seminggu. Bagaimanakah cara mencucinya? Ia adalah satu proses yang mudah :

Langkah 1
Hanya buka skru/pusing penutup penapis (tidak memerlukan sebarang alat). Ini akan membolehkan anda mengeluarkan penapis dengan hanya membuka skru/memusingnya.

Ini ialah bagaimana rupa elemen penapis anda selepas satu minggu penggunaan.

Langkah 2

Apabila anda menerima penapis air siri-BS baharu anda, anda juga akan mendapat satu span khas untuk mencuci permukaan elemen penapis. Gunakan span ini untuk mencuci elemen penapis dengan air.

Langkah 3

Selepas elemen bersih, masukkan kembali ke dalam penapis air dengan memutar skru/ memusingnya kembali ke dalam penutup dan rumah penapis air. Elemen penapis anda kini sudah bersih dan sedia untuk digunakan.

Selepas setiap 1 tahun atau 5,000 liter penggunaan, elemen penapis perlu diganti. Hanya beli satu elemen penapis baharu daripada Bacfree dan gantikan penapis lama dan siap!

Kami juga telah menyediakan satu video bimbingan di bawah untuk membantu anda dalam proses pembersihan dan penyelenggaraan penapis anda!

Elemen Penapis Teknologi Swiss (buatan Swiss)

Swiss Tech Filter Element for BS-Series Water Filter, Purifies to Direct Drinking Water
  • Filter lifespan – 12 months or 5000 litres
  • Filtration rating – as small as 0.2 microns
  • Reduces turbidity – >99.99%
  • Removes pathogens – >99.99%
    • coli
    • Serratia marcescens
    • Coliform
    • Cryposporidium
    • Vibro cholerae
    • Giardia
    • Salmonella typhi
  • Reduces chlorine (2ppm) – >97%
  • Reduces lead particles (150ppb) – >95%

Penggantian Media Penapis Air Luar Rumah Siri-ER

Penapis-penapis Siri-ER adalah mudah diselenggara dengan sistem cucian semula DIY yang membersihkan penapis tanpa perlu menggantikan katrij atau kos penyelenggaraan.

Bergantung kepada penggunaan dan keadaan air, hanya lakukan cucian semula sekali seminggu.


Injap-injap pada penapis air dilabelkan dengan 1, 2, dan 3 untuk rujukan mudah.

Untuk melakukan cucian semula,

Langkah 1: Tutup Injap 2
Langkah 2: Tutup Injap 1
Langkah 3: Buka Injap 3
Langkah 4: Curahkan air ke atas mendapan dan karat yang terkumpul sehingga bersih
Langkah 5: Tutup Injap 3
Langkah 6: Buka Injap 1
Langkah 7: Buka Injap 2


Kami telah sediakan sebuah video supaya anda boleh memahaminya dengan lebih baik. Jangan lupa menontonnya!

As for the filtration media, the carbon layers should be replaced every 5 years.

And the Anthracite, Quartz Sand and Special Stone layers should be replaced every 10 years.

Carbon Layer

  • Lifespan – 5 years
  • Media to change – Granulated activated carbon
  • Media performance – Removes:
    • Foul taste
    • Chlorine
    • Colour
    • Organic Chemicals

Full Media

  • Lifespan – 10 years
  • Media to change
    • Granulated activated carbon
    • Anthracite
    • Fine Quartz
    • Medium Quartz
    • Coarse Quartz
    • Special Stone
  • Media performance – Removes:
    • Sediment
    • Colour
    • Chlorine
    • Suspended solids up to 5 microns

The schedule an appointment to change your filter, call us now

Penggantian Media Penapis Air Beralkali HealthSpring

Penapis Air Beralkali HealthSpring mempunyai sistem pembersihan kendiri, jadi anda tidak perlu risau untuk membersihkan penapis.

Penapis-penapis ini mempunyai jangka hayat 12,000 liter atau 18 bulan (yang mana dahulu). Oleh itu, apabila tiba masanya, hanya pesan satu set penapis baharu dan tukar penapisnya. Siap!

Penggantian Cepat 3 Langkah

3 stage
    • Jangka hayat Penapis – 9 bulan
    • Jenis Penapis
      • Karbon (5 mikron)
      • PP (5 mikron)
      • PP (1 mikron)
    • Kemampuan Penapis – Mengeluarkan:
      • Klorin
      • Mendapan
      • Hasil sampingan pengklorinan
      • Karat dan lain-lain
  • Jangka Hayat Penapis – 9 bulan
  • Jenis Penapis
    • Karbon (5 mikron)
    • PP (5 mikron)
    • PP (1 mikron)
  • Kemampuan Penapis – Mengeluarkan:
    • Klorin
    • Mendapan
    • Hasil sampingan pengklorinan
    • Karat dan lain-lain

Best water filter replacements near me

You can simply buy your water filter replacements or any other Bacfree water filters online through our Bacfree eShop or your favourite marketplaces (Lazada, Shopee ), and your favourite water filter will be delivered to your doorstep – no hassle!

Alternatively, you can visit your nearest Bacfree showroom in any of our Malaysian branches in Selangor, Penang, Melaka or Johor Bahru to take a look at your favorite water filters and bring them home.

Central Region

Bacfree Headquarters SS13, Subang Jaya

Main office and showroom for your best water filter solution located at SS13/3F Subang Jaya Industrial Estate, Selangor.


  • Water filters for home
  • Water filters for commercial buildings
  • Horeca water filter system for hotels, cafe and restaurants
  • Water filter and water treatment system for project developments and industrial buildings
  • Rainwater harvesting system for home and commercial buildings
  • Glass bottles with filtered water for hotels, cafe and restaurants
  • Bacfree water filters repair and maintenance services

Bacfree Showroom SS19, Subang Jaya

Cutting edge and modern showroom with experience center to help your search for the best water filter for your home.

Located at 2, Jalan SS19/6, SS19, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Bacfree showroom serves households and customers in Klang Valley.


  • Water filters for home
  • Water filter and water treatment system for project developments and industrial buildings
  • Rainwater harvesting system for home and commercial buildings
  • Bacfree water filters repair and maintenance services

Northern Region

Bacfree Penang Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang

Showroom and office based at Terrace Plus @ The One Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang, serving customers around the area of Bayan Baru, Bayan Lepas, Sungai Dua, Balik Pulau, and the whole Penang Island in general, providing water solutions for everyone.


  • Water filters for home
  • Water filters for commercial buildings
  • Horeca water filter system for hotels, cafe and restaurants
  • Water filter and water treatment system for project developments and industrial buildings
  • Rainwater harvesting system for home and commercial buildings
  • Glass bottles with filtered water for hotels, cafe and restaurants
  • Bacfree water filters repair and maintenance services

Southern Region

Bacfree Melaka Jalan KPKS1, Melaka

The newest addition to Bacfree’s exposure throughout the Southern region in Malaysia, with an office and showroom located at 24, Jalan KPKS1, Melaka serving customers around Klebang, Bandar Melaka, Sungai Udang, Alor Gajah and surrounding areas in Melaka.


  • Water filters for home
  • Water filters for commercial buildings
  • Horeca water filter system for hotels, cafe and restaurants
  • Water filter and water treatment system for project developments and industrial buildings
  • Rainwater harvesting system for home and commercial buildings
  • Glass bottles with filtered water for hotels, cafe and restaurants
  • Bacfree water filters repair and maintenance services

Bacfree JB Taman Perling, Johor Bahru

One-stop solution station for Southern region customers, including Singapore. Newly renovated in 2019 to serve customers around the Johor Bahru area like Taman Perling, Bukit Indah, Nusajaya, Gelang Patah, and Skudai.


  • Water filters for home
  • Water filters for commercial buildings
  • Horeca water filter system for hotels, cafe and restaurants
  • Water filter and water treatment system for project developments and industrial buildings
  • Rainwater harvesting system for home and commercial buildings
  • Glass bottles with filtered water for hotels, cafe and restaurants
  • Bacfree water filters repair and maintenance services

Click here to contact the Bacfree showroom nearest to you!