
Why do we need to filter our water?

Even water that looks clear may contain dirt, minerals, chemicals and other impurities that affect its smell or
taste. It may even contain microbes that could endanger your health. Pollutants can enter water at any
point of water cycle, such as lakes, rivers, and ponds.

Causes of contamination include:

  • Agriculture Runoff

    Water used in farming contains
    fertilisers, pesticides / herbicides
    and other pollutants

  • Storm Water Runoff

    Rainwater flowing through drains
    and ditches picks up all kinds of

  • Leaking Landfills

    Various contaminants and toxic
    chemicals from garbage can
    leach into the groundwater

  • Industrial Discharge

    Factory waste is often
    discharged directly into
    water bodies

  • Personal Care /
    Household Products

    Detergents, medicines, makeup
    and other contaminants go down
    the drain and into water sources

  • Rusting Pipes

    Water picks up rust and
    other sediments from the
    corroded pipes

What’s in your water supply?

What should you test your water for?

Total dissolved solids (TDS)

What is it?Caused by:Measured in:

Contaminants smaller than 2 microns. Moderate to high TDS changes water’s taste and odour and poses health hazards.

Weathering and erosion, as well as human activities, which cause materials to be dissolved in water.

Parts per million (ppm) (equivalent to milligram per litre of liquid water).

National standard for drinking water: 1000mg / l

Turbidity (water clarity)

What is it?Caused by:Measured in:

Suspended particles in water. The higher the turbidity, the more particles there are.

Soil erosion, high levels of nutrients, various waste products and pollutants, bottom-feeding organisms which stir up sediment in the water.

Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU). The lower the NTU, the clearer the water is.

National standard for drinking water: less than 5 NTU

Colour of water

What is it?Caused by:Measured in:

The more colour water has, the less transparent it is.

Dissolved substances in water.

True Colour Units (TCU). Lower TCU means there are fewer dissolved substances in water, making the water more transparent.

National standard for drinking water: 15 TCU

pH-level of water

What is it?Caused by:Measured in:

“Potential hydrogen” is a measurement of a substance‘s hydrogen level.

Water pH varies depending on weather, human activity, and natural processes.

A scale of 0 to 14. Water can be acidic (pH 0 to 7), neutral (pH 7) or alkaline (pH 7 to 14).

National standard for drinking water: 6.5-8.5 pH

Total iron

What is it?Caused by:Measured in:

Total iron includes all of the different forms of iron that exists in water, such as ferrous or ferric iron, complexed iron, or iron oxides (rust).

Iron exists in natural water sources but may also come from industrial wastes, iron refineries, or corrosion of metals.

Milligram per litre of liquid water.

National standard for drinking water: less than 0.3 mg / l

Hardness of water

What is it?Caused by:Measured in:

Water with a high mineral content that causes calcification and lime scaling.

Water seeping through limestone and chalk which absorbs the minerals in them.

Milligram per litre of liquid water.

National standard for drinking water: less than 500 mg / l

Total coliform count

What is it?Caused by:Measured in:

Indicates the bacteria level in water.

Found in digestive tracts of animals and humans. It is excreted in their wastes and absorbed into plants and soil.

Total number of coliform bacteria.

National standard for drinking water: 0 total coliform

Meet the “hidden heroes” keeping your water safe

Have you ever wondered how your Bacfree filter keeps your water safe, healthy and pure? Take a peek into
what’s going on inside and see how our technology works to remove impurities, kill microbes and improve
your water.

UV Disinfection System

Zaps microbes and destroys them at the molecular level.
See how it works in Bacfree’s UV Disinfection System, Horeca Series For Food And Beverage
and Water Treatment Solutions.

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Premium Filter Elements

The core of our systems, shielding you from harmful impurities.
See how it works in Bacfree’s BS Series Direct Drinking Tap Filters.

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Reverse Osmosis System

Harnessing the power of physics to purify your water.
See how it works in Bacfree’s Watero and Water Treatment Solutions.

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Advanced Ioniser System

Enhances water’s properties for extra health benefits.
See how it works in Bacfree’s HealthSpring Advanced Ionizer System.

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Multimedia Filtration

Multi-layered protection to block out all possible impurities.
See how it works in Bacfree’s ER Series Outdoor Filters and IC Series Centralised Filtration System.

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The proof is in the water

While different applications require different levels of water quality, what is most important is the
reliability of the filtration system to deliver on the requirements. As the water filtration pioneer in
Malaysia, Bacfree sets the standard in this area. Our filters have helped millions attain not just
clean water, but Bacfree Clean Water. See the results for yourself.

Project water quality results

Why do we need to filter our water?

Even water that looks clear may contain dirt, minerals, chemicals and other impurities that affect its smell or taste. It may even contain microbes that could endanger your health. Pollutants can enter water at any point of water cycle, such as lakes, rivers, and ponds.

Causes of contamination include:

  • Agriculture Runoff

    Water used in farming contains fertilisers, pesticides / herbicides and other pollutants

  • Storm Water Runoff

    Rainwater flowing through drains and ditches picks up all kinds of contaminants

  • Leaking Landfills

    Various contaminants and toxic chemicals from garbage can leach into the groundwater

  • Industrial Discharge

    Factory waste is often discharged directly into water bodies

  • Personal Care / Household Products

    Detergents, medicines, makeup and other contaminants go down the drain and into water sources

  • Rusting Pipes

    Water picks up rust and other sediments from the corroded pipes

What's in your water supply?

What should you test your water for?

Total dissolved solids (TDS)

What is it?

Contaminants smaller than 2 microns. Moderate to high TDS changes water’s taste and odour and poses health hazards.

Caused by:

Weathering and erosion, as well as human activities, which cause materials to be dissolved in water.

Measured in:

Parts per million (ppm) (equivalent to milligram per litre of liquid water).

National standard for drinking water: 1000mg / l

Turbidity (water clarity)

What is it?

Suspended particles in water. The higher the turbidity, the more particles there are.

Caused by:

Soil erosion, high levels of nutrients, various waste products and pollutants, bottom-feeding organisms which stir up sediment in the water.

Measured in:

Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU). The lower the NTU, the clearer the water is.

National standard for drinking water: less than 5 NTU

Colour of water

What is it?

The more colour water has, the less transparent it is.

Caused by:

Dissolved substances in water.

Measured in:

True Colour Units (TCU). Lower TCU means there are fewer dissolved substances in water, making the water more transparent.

National standard for drinking water: 15 TCU

pH-level of water

What is it?

“Potential hydrogen” is a measurement of a substance‘s hydrogen level.

Caused by:

Water pH varies depending on weather, human activity, and natural processes.

Measured in:

A scale of 0 to 14. Water can be acidic (pH 0 to 7), neutral (pH 7) or alkaline (pH 7 to 14).

National standard for drinking water: 6.5-8.5 pH

Total iron

What is it?

Total iron includes all of the different forms of iron that exists in water, such as ferrous or ferric iron, complexed iron, or iron oxides (rust).

Caused by:

Iron exists in natural water sources but may also come from industrial wastes, iron refineries, or corrosion of metals.

Measured in:

Milligram per litre of liquid water.

National standard for drinking water: less than 0.3 mg / l

Hardness of water

What is it?

Water with a high mineral content that causes calcification and lime scaling.

Caused by:

Water seeping through limestone and chalk which absorbs the minerals in them.

Measured in:

Milligram per litre of liquid water.

National standard for drinking water: less than 500 mg / l

Total coliform count

What is it?

Indicates the bacteria level in water.

Caused by:

Found in digestive tracts of animals and humans. It is excreted in their wastes and absorbed into plants and soil.

Measured in:

Total number of coliform bacteria.

National standard for drinking water: 0 total coliform

Meet the "hidden heroes" keeping your water safe

Have you ever wondered how your Bacfree filter keeps your water safe, healthy and pure? Take a peek into what’s going on inside and see how our technology works to remove impurities, kill microbes and improve your water.

UV Disinfection System

Zaps microbes and destroys them at the molecular level. See how it works in Bacfree’s UV Disinfection System, Horeca Series For Food And Beverage and Water Treatment Solutions.

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Premium Filter Elements

The core of our systems, shielding you from harmful impurities. See how it works in Bacfree's BS Series Direct Drinking Tap Filters.

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Reverse Osmosis System

Harnessing the power of physics to purify your water. See how it works in Bacfree’s Watero and Water Treatment Solutions.

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Advanced Ioniser System

Enhances water’s properties for extra health benefits. See how it works in Bacfree’s HealthSpring Advanced Ionizer System.

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Multimedia Filtration

Multi-layered protection to block out all possible impurities. See how it works in Bacfree’s ER Series Outdoor Filters and IC Series Centralised Filtration System.

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The proof is in the water

While different applications require different levels of water quality, what is most important is the
reliability of the filtration system to deliver on the requirements. As the water filtration pioneer in
Malaysia, Bacfree sets the standard in this area. Our labs have helped millions attain not just
clean water, but Bacfree Clean Water. See the results for yourself.

Project water quality results